“CONNECT Our Future” is a process in which communities, counties, businesses, educators, non-profits and other organizations work together to grow jobs and the economy, improve quality of life and control the cost of government in the 14-county greater Charlotte region. The metrics found on this website are the result of a three-year initiative completed in 2014 to create a regional growth framework, and to measure progress toward the realization of that framework through a set of measurable quality-of-life indicators.

“CONNECT Our Future” was made possible through a $4.9 million HUD Sustainable Communities Grant and $3 million in local in-kind public and private matching resources. Leadership was provided by the Centralina Council of Governments (NC) and the Catawba Regional Council of Governments (SC). The regional growth framework was developed through an extensive community engagement process involving public, private and non-profit organizations across the 14-county region.

CONNECT Our Future is guided by the following core values, which influenced the selection of indicators found on this website. These values were generated by extensive community input and adopted by the majority of jurisdictions within the 14-county region.

  • A Strong, Diverse Economy…that supports a wide variety of businesses and enterprises
  • Sustainable, Well-Managed Growth…that maintains quality of life, protects open space and environmental quality, retains the natural character of the region, and maximizes the efficiency of infrastructure investments
  • A Safe and Healthy Environment…with good air and water quality
  • Increased Collaboration among Jurisdictions…on issues that transcend boundaries, including growth management, transportation, and environmental concerns, in a manner that recognizes both regional and local needs
  • Enhanced Social Equity…through community leadership and cooperative volunteerism
  • High Quality Educational Opportunities…that are available to all residents

Click here to learn more about CONNECT Our Future