Crystal Cockman


Crystal Cockman is director of conservation for Three Rivers Land Trust, formerly The LandTrust for Central North Carolina, which focuses focus primarily on land protection and stewardship in the Uwharrie Region. In her free time she enjoys backpacking, hiking, reading, flyfishing, and pretty much anything outdoors.


Bachelor of science and master of environmental management graduate of Duke University.


Environment, land protection, Uwharries.

Stories by Crystal Cockman

The sting of invasive species: When fire ants attack

We talk quite a bit in the conservation community about invasive species and the threats they pose to habitats and ecosystems. Here's one species we have to deal with on a far too regular basis...

Milkweed and metamorphosis

Earlier this summer, I visited a Uwharrie pitcher plant bog at the right time to spot an interesting wildflower in bloom – swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnate). Similar to the bright orange...

Crane-fly orchid: Nature's Plain Jane flower

While walking on my grandparents’ property last week, I was fortunate to stumble upon one of the most common and understated orchids in bloom – the Crane-fly orchid (Tipularia discolor).

Unlikely habitat for a unique herptile

I recently had the opportunity to help survey a unique and rare critter – one that frequently lives in places most of us would consider far from pristine. The bog turtle, smallest of all North...

Royal serpents

Although some folks find snakes incredibly fascinating, and others shriek in terror and run from them, most people are somewhere in the middle – either casually interested or coolly indifferent...