Ely Portillo

Stories by Ely Portillo

Join us for a virtual panel about health disparities in Charlotte

Health influences everything from a person's ability to work to medical debt, and health inequalities have big consequences in our community on economic mobility and people's ability to get ahead...

Data that show why Charlotte houses are so expensive - and scarce

Buying a house in the Charlotte region has, in many ways, never been more challenging.

What impact will ‘disruptive innovations’ have on Charlotte’s transportation system?

This story is part of the Transit Time newsletter, a partnership between the Urban Institute, the Charlotte Ledger and WFAE.

Building Charlotte's future (literally) with the construction industry

Charlotte's growth rests, in the end, on the people who actually build our city: The construction industry. 

Five interesting ideas from Charlotte's draft Center City plan

What will Charlotte's center city look like in two decades?